Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

Quillo Tutorial

- 2 metres pattern fabric (115cm wide)
- 2 metres coordinating plain fabric (115cm)
- 2 metres wadding (150cm wide)

Cut 1.60 metres of each fabric (the extra 40cm x 45cm is for the pocket).

Lay right sides together and check they are exactly the same.  If not, trim fabrics to size.  You can do the same with the wadding OR you can allow a bit extra all around the wadding for shrinkage.  Once you have sewn the quilt together (and before turning right side through) you can trim the extra wadding.

Make the Pocket
Take the remaining 40cm x 45cm fabrics and lay them out as follows:

- wadding on the bottom, patterned fabric face up in the middle and coordinating fabric face down on the top.

Using a 1/4" seam allowance stitch around 3 sides.  Trim the corners close to the seam but not through it, and turn the pocket through.  Press and carefully pull out any corners with a tailors awl.  Then you can topstitch around the 4 sides.  A walking foot is ideal for this.  Don't be concerned about the rough edges at the bottom as these will be finished later.

Attach the Pocket
Attach the pocket to the backing/coordinating fabric with patterned side face down - onto the centre of the backing/coordinating fabric with a long edge (45cm) of the pocket matching the edge of the backing/coordinating fabric.  Note - the backing/coordinating fabric is face up and you only sew 3 seams - the two shorter side seams and the seam along the edge of the quilt.  The edge facing into the quilt is left open as this becomes the pocket.

Assemble the Quillo
Handy Hint:  All 3 layers can be sewn through together  in one go or it is easier if the fabric layers are sewn and then the wadding is pinned onto the back - then you can follow the stitching line you created on the fabric layers.

Lay out the fabrics in the following order:
- wadding on the bottom, patterned fabric face up in the middle and backing/coordinating fabric face down (with pocket attached) on top.

Using a 1/4" (or 1/2" if you prefer) seam allowance and a walking foot, sew around the 3 layers leaving an opening to turn through.  Trim corners and any excess wadding, turn through and sew up the opening by machine or hand. Press.  Quilt or topstitch all around the quillo and it is done!

Attached are some images to help you, along with a folding diagram! Note: once the quilt is folded correctly, you need to reach your hand into the bottom of the pocket and gently pull the quilt through so that it is enclosed by the pocket.

 Fabrics all laid out and ready to go
My pocket stitched up, turned through and topstitched
 Attaching the pocket to the backing fabric
 The completed quilt all sewn up - make sure you read the fabric placement step above to get the backing and pocket right way round before sewing
 Quilt top
 Folding the quilt - note the pocket is at the top

Getting ready to pull it through the pocket 
Ta da!  a Quillo

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